o Darmidia – metropolis, sign of the winged lion o Monrum – small city, crescent moon and sun o Skai – small city, sign of the falcon o Tijara – large city, winged cat o Oleot – small city, sign of the desert palm o Asharaat – small city, sign of the winged scarab o Ankhtiri – large city, sign of the twin ibis • Charnella, Isle of Orpheon – small town Darmidia - trade hub, metal wares, papyrus, silver, gems, ship-building Sultan Zuhair Hamad - ruthless, brilliant, greedy Monrum - incense, perfume, glass wares, spices Malik Hishaam Abed - jovial, decadent, lazy Skai - metal wares, glass wares, flax, spices Malik Haani Salloum - reverent, diplomatic, brave Tijara - dyes, glass wares, perfume, opium, spices Malik Urei Allajani - adventuresome, restless, reckless Oleot - incense, perfumes, glass wares, gold, spices Malik Irfaan Shahid - reclusive, scholarly, stoic, disfigured Asharaat - metal wares, glass wares, tea, spices Malik Amjad Aly - Ankhtiri - trade hub, steel, iron, magic center, religious center, stone Malik Azzaam Faraqh - obsessed, cursed, enigmatic Charnella - incense, perfume, medicine Kalumtum of the Freed Corpse (f)