Brief on [kingdom/region] Machakw - small town: cotton, flax, livestock, arts Chief Ohcumgache and his wife Pamuya (f) Tiruwe - small town: furs, clay, tobacco, pottery Chief Avonaco and his wife Osceola (f) Hurit - large town: iron, cotton, clay, fishing, spices Chief Kachada and his wife Huata (f) Tatanka - large town: tobacco, furs, clay, salt Chief Wohalim and his wife Ogima (f) Ko'Ohchen - large town: trade hub, pottery, timber, clay, fishing Chief Otaktay and Nidawi (f) Manitou - large town: magic center, medicine, copper, furs Chief Ohitekah and his wife Wanekia (f) Red Horn - small town: grain, tobacco, fishing Chief Tahkeome and his wife Nootau (f) Iosheka - large town: trade hub, grain, timber, tobacco, fishing Chief Hohokam and his wife Catori (f) Tall Bear - small town: flax, furs Chief Samoset and his wife Tsula (f) Liluye - small town: tobacco, fishing, salt, grain Chief Kwatoko and his wife Alsoomse (f) Unetuuwa - small town: gems, stone Chief Machkta and his wife Ayawamat (f) Katamut - small town: fishing, flash, dyes Chief Ogima and his wife Inungoa (f) Untunktahe - small town: tobacco, platinum, fishing Chief Cetanwakuwa and his wife Anana (f) Tohono - small town: timber, fishing Chief Wahanassatta and his wife Silatuyok (f) x